misophonia is the fucking worst. i actually almost had a bit of a breakdown over it when i was working because i had a colleague who was hard of hearing and would eat at his desk and just made the most disgusting mouth noises. that grad school stressful job... i almost lost my fuckin mind. the other one is whispering S sounds. awful.
Oh god I know, I had to edit my audio file to remove the godawful tongue click / wet mouth noises. That sounds so gross just as text, urgh. There's the whole ASMR videos scene too with the rare one that is fine, but like 99% of it is triggering. There's whole YT channels that I really want to watch and like, but just have to switch off after a minute.
i CANNOT do ASMR with any kind of talking. the fucking whispering voices make me want to stab myself. the only ones i tolerate are the tiny food ones haha.