"Honestly, when the electrons pass through some of the more inhomogeneous parts of the atomic lattice on the way to my ears, my blood pressure just shoots right up."But I guess it's the flip-side to the fact we could potentially sell 10 000$ cables to these kind of people.
"All I'm asking for is that it's doped with 1part per quadrillion Titanium, Devac, it just does.. something absolutely magical... to the sound. It's only a 31-step electrolysis process anyway."
No, THAT's just one tip from my _NEW_ book on doping for Listening pleasure, "Hole-istic Hearing". You won't BELIEVE the olfactory engagement you can get with the technique listed on page 319! YOU CAN HEAR IT IN YOUR NOSE!!
Don't just do all this research for yourself, Devac. Do it Fermi.