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comment by lil
lil  ·  2688 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shake it up. Offer up one somewhat unpopular opinion that you hold.

I have a few opinions, but very few. I don't know whether they are popular or unpopular because I am generally against all opinions.

1. My opinion about opinions is that one should only hold opinions in proportion to the evidence available.

2. All dualisms are delusional, including this one. Reject the binary.

3. No matter how strongly you hold any opinion or subscribe to any doctrine, include in your belief the possibility that you could be wrong.

I think those are all my opinions. I suspect they are unpopular because people are fond of their opinions. They frequently mistake their own and other people's opinions for evidence.

and thenewgreen regarding raw onions: Do you include spanish onions or raw red onions in your doctrine? I have recently begun putting red onions in all my salads. MMMM