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comment by blackbootz
blackbootz  ·  2664 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Meet the Pied Piper of Paleo

I fast for about 12-14 hours in the middle of the day. So I'll wake early and eat a breakfast and won't ingest anything except for water or coffee until about 12 hours later, where I'll eat again. I've also been eating lots of fat and adequate protein during these meal periods. If I know there's an event that day with food that I want to be social for, I'll restrict myself to just that one meal, because I don't want to be a psycho/draw lots of undue attention to myself and not eat while everyone else is being merry.

I did it originally for purposes of self-discipline and mastery. Incidentally, I became much leaner. You realize how often you graze or snack. You learn a lot actually. How much time in the day is spent preparing food. How unused to hunger some of us are. How to live with hunger to the point that it doesn't rule you or your mood (I'm no longer irritable when I'm hungry).

Although, selfishly, all this not-eating means not-cooking, which dovetails with my incorrigible laziness when it comes to meal preparation. I'm trying to learn to undo that.