Sobering, portentous, but not surprising. This on top of so much else makes the neo-luddite urge to preserve a part of the world in which humans can interact humanly without perpetual computer mediation more and more imperative. What will you do to ensure a degree of humanity persists in your relationships? Which relationships will you shelter most from AI encroachment? Will any and all such reticence earn you fringe/wacko/cultist status?
I think on the big picture level that privacy is completely 100% dead. In a very few years -- 5? 7? maybe 10 years at the absolute outside -- privacy will be dead as a doornail, and everything that goes with it. And that will be too bad -- one of the bad things that will be here very soon, along with the truly important things of impending job loss (with no silly re-training available, because no jobs will be had period) and the military AI arms race, which will be WON by China, and the US will cower in fear constantly.