Really, the sad thing is to think like Twitter. People consume data in discrete chunks. This is true conceptually, biologically, and physically. Blinking is actually us cutting up our experience into discrete chunks, so our brain can process and store all the data. (That's an incomplete description of blinking, but accurate enough for the point.) So give them a fact, and a moment to process it. Stack another fact on top of that one. Give them a moment. Stack another one. Then stand back and have a general description for what you have built. Let them process that. So place a brick, place a brick, place a brick, then stand back and say, "pyramid!" Leave out the details. Be general. Get the broad strokes right. Point them in the right direction, but don't give them GPS coordinates. Then, stand back and let them ask questions. THAT's where you give them the detail. People learn better when THEY drive the process of inquiry. So if you give them waypoints on a map, and then let them ask "Hey, how do we cross this river between points C and D?", two things happen: 1. You are no longer the "presenter". You are having a conversation, with another person, about a topic you know VERY well. This will make you more natural, less stressed, and more interesting, all while standing on that (normally) terrifying stage. 2. The person actually learns more, and respects you more, because you were able to provide the answer to the question that they couldn't work out on their own. People try to present an excess of data, to prove their point, and all they do is bury the audience in confusing minutiae. Let them tease out the details with their questions. You can also use their questions as talking points, if they truly need further explanation, and the crowd is interested. Ideally, if you have a 15-minute slot, give them a 5-minute presentation and then answer questions for 10 minutes. You will have the highest rated talk of the day.