Fox hunting and NASCAR, my friend. Two things you never thought had anything in common. _____________________________________________________________________ Realistically speaking: The red line will probably be happy to get rid of their car for the most part. The gray mass is going to hang onto them for a whole lot longer because rideshare of any kind makes a lot more sense in Orange County, CA than it does in Otero County, NM. There are a lot more cowboy boots than there are cowboys and if you could trade not driving to get to work every day for autocrossing twice monthly in your vintage Scion, I think you'd jump at the chance to go autocrossing. The Amish get to ride their horse-drawn buggies on highways, just not on freeways and a non-autonomous vehicle is a perfectly reasonable hazard to expect an autonomous network to deal with. but you're not gonna get behind the wheel and think away your problems for two hours unless you can afford to keep a car you don't need... and if you measure the percentage of your income given over to cars and ponder if you'd take that back if you could, I'll bet the answer is "yes."