Some that I've liked but I don't see many recommendations for - mainly because my taste doesn't coincide with yours *. - Lexicon Valley the Famous linguist, John McWhorter's podcast. direct feed because the player on Slate's website is fucking flash. - All killa no filla - two (English) northerners talk about a different serial killer each episode. No sensationalism, just presenting their research and ideas on their topic of interest. If you've ever hung out with northern English women in a pub - it's just like that only they're talking about serial killers. Be warned the sound quality is utter shite. - Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast ... (RHLSTP) - he's not afraid to ask the difficult questions - like would you rather have a hand made out of ham or an armpit that dispenses sun cream? At the very least, you should support him for his tireless efforts on twitter during International Women's day. - BBC's Soul Music I love listening to people tell you why they love particular music - especially if you're not into it. But sometimes you are. * For many popular values of you. [EDIT]: 19 billion formatting edits.