Ahhh, the noble savage. Pretty sure this line of thinking started with Lorenz. The basic idea is that we were all so much happier when we were barely-sapient hunter-gatherers with a lifespan of 28. The downside is that we're competitive breeders and once we'd figured out how to get all the calories we needed for idle time, the stuff we filled our idle time with was stuff that increased our social standing. From that point civilization is inevitable. It's equally possible that it took 5000 years to evolve the social structures necessary to irrigate.The big news to emerge from recent archeological research concerns the time lag between “sedentism,” or living in settled communities, and the adoption of agriculture. Previous scholarship held that the invention of agriculture made sedentism possible. The evidence shows that this isn’t true: there’s an enormous gap—four thousand years—separating the “two key domestications,” of animals and cereals, from the first agrarian economies based on them. Our ancestors evidently took a good, hard look at the possibility of agriculture before deciding to adopt this new way of life.
I don't personally even like camping, so you don't have to convince me that the noble savage myth is a bunch-o-bullshit. Hell, even my cats chose the warmest, softest parts of the house to lounge in. The interesting part to me is the invention of systematized taxation, which was a huge innovation in the history of mankind. Obviously, without taxes, there's no such thing as the state, since it needs finds to be self-sustaining. The only other way to get them is to steal them from the vanquished, but even that requires startup capital. That fact base is totally independent of whether you think it's a good idea or not, and since this guy is famous from writing about how central planning is literally the devil, I suppose he has an ax to grind.
Graeber, whose axe lives in the same toolshed, would point out that "taxation" was collective within the gift economy and certainly wouldn't have been limited to agriculture. The preponderance of slaves in Sumerian illustrations would suggest that the ingroup, which knew agriculture, expressed their cultural domination through assimilation on their terms. No tax necessary. If your father's father was friends with my father's father I know you're good for the two cows you owe me and if not we've got a mechanism. If you're that tribe we just crushed on the other side of the river you'll be digging furrows for your porridge.