Utterly, completely and irredeemably false. One critical intervention per 200 miles means Uber's software is about to crash the car pretty much every time they fill up the tank. And a bicyclist walking her bike across the road at 10pm has a pretty good idea what she can get away with.I mean, their ratio's still way better than humans
After all, they don't have to be perfect (indeed, perfect is fundamentally unachievable), they just have to be better than us.
I stand corrected. I will say I was speaking about the ratio of miles per dead human, and not about crashes, but I definitely take your point and now understand that the amount of human interference in autonomous cars is still significant. This is what needs sorting out, for me, regarding this specific incident. from the Scientific American article you quoted - What happened? Was this guy not paying attention? Was he trusting too much in the car? Was he acting like a passenger, and not a driver? In some ways, i consider this person to be responsible for Herzberg's death, and not the AI program. It's clear that Uber knows that its AI still needs to be babysat, and they had a babysitter. The babysitter, however, didn't do his job. Taking that metaphor further, if the "baby", the AI, managed to injure someone else (knock over a lamp which hit's someone, let's say), what would be the first question asked? "Why weren't you watching them?"Utterly, completely and irredeemably false.
An Uber employee was in the Volvo XC90 SUV acting as a safety operator but told police he did not have time to react to avoid hitting Herzberg
Gets political really quickly, doesn't it? On the face of it, if an Autonomous Vehicle (AV) can't run without a human minder, it's ultimately the responsibility of the human minder to keep people safe. But if an AV can't roll without a chaperone, what's the point of having an AV? veen could give you chapter and verse on this, but there are different levels of autonomy and everybody but google is going for the fuzzy middle where people are supposed to intervene if things go pear-shaped. Google argues (correctly, I think), that this is exactly the wrong way to go about it - because now you're not trying to determine whether you're safe or not, you're trying to determine if you know better than the car or not. And if the car is doing fine for an hour, we're naturally going to assume the car is fine for another hour. Waymo has crossed 4 million miles. Their record is, I believe, 4 million miles and one accident, that one accident being where someone backed into them. I personally don't expect that record to get much worse because Waymo is taking an extremely conservative, extremely data-intensive approach to "self-driving car." However, their cars aren't improvisational. They operate in markets the way restaurants operate in markets. Google's cars won't come to your city until they've driven the shit out of it. Uber has crossed a million miles but they've also been kicked out of California. Right now, US traffic fatalities sit at about 1.25 deaths per 100 million miles. Uber is at 100 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles, which puts them on par with back when these things were the shit: From an armchair analysis standpoint, it's going to be interesting what tack Uber takes here because at 38mph on a clear road, the human minder should have taken over. So does Uber blame their driver? Because that makes their program look like a sham. Does Uber take it on the chin? Because that makes them look incompetent. Does Uber blame the pedestrian? That sure seems where they're going. But that makes Uber look like a bunch of bloodsucking ghouls. Which they seem to be cool with based on past performance. From an emotional standpoint it fucking sucks 'cuz some lady was walking her bike across the street at night and got fuckin' creamed by a robot and now everybody is trying to figure out a way to blame the lady. It's like we want so much to believe in our bright and shiny future that we refuse to believe the tech ain't ready.
It's been like a year or so, and things might have changed, but I remember reading in a blurb somewhere that both Toyota and GM were looking at not releasing self driving cars until they could do so without having any human backup in place. For the arguments you make, one, by the time an emergency happens the human isn't ready to take over, and b, there's a legal grey area in that.veen could give you chapter and verse on this, but there are different levels of autonomy and everybody but google is going for the fuzzy middle where people are supposed to intervene if things go pear-shaped. Google argues (correctly, I think), that this is exactly the wrong way to go about it - because now you're not trying to determine whether you're safe or not, you're trying to determine if you know better than the car or not.
As far as I'm concerned, "self driving car" means I can hop in, say "Okay Google take me to work", crawl into the back seat, light a spliff and stare out the sunroof until the thing parks. There's an apocryphal story from my youth about a senior citizen who buys a Winnebago upon retirement, sets it out on I-40, hits the cruise control and wanders back to the kitchenette to make a pot of coffee. That's how autopilot works on a yacht: set the heading and the throttle and you're headed to the horizon. But then, it's pretty easy to do that stuff when you don't have to worry about traffic. Uber doesn't know what to do about traffic. They're shining it on. And now there's a dead lady. I don't want to see autonomous vehicles until they're impossible to get a DUI in because you, mutherfucker, are irrevocably a goddamn passenger.