You’re still not getting it. I know that, I readily admit to this. What I’m telling you is I used to be on your side. I gave up on you and given recent events I’m okay with that. You don’t take a plea deal when you’re winning, you take it when your afraid you’ll lose. I’m pretty hopeful about the strides this next generation has made so I just don’t think now is the time to try and compromise. You want to compromise now that things are changing. When they weren’t you were happy to patiently wait out the attention it was getting by arguing semantics and calling things stupid. You admitted this when you said you were reluctant to actually rally for change because you were worried what it meant. You aren’t an uneducated kid, you could have made different choices about influencing the world in your favour. I’m not going to feel bad and see you as a victim when you had years to rally change in your favour. It’s like people who don’t vote complaining about who gets elected. Things are getting done though and you know it. The articles have been posted here. You are an adult who went to law school, you had plenty of opportunity to do something and you didn’t. You aren’t some victim now that the world is moving on without you because of choices you made as a well educated adult. But you don't want an actual conversation. You're not remotely interested in understanding where I'm coming from
t's frankly appalling to me that you would rather nothing gets done than something,
You literally have no idea what my positions are on most areas of gun control, or what I have or haven't done on the issue. You've just decided all these things about me, and are content to stick your head in the sand if I try to say anything different. I still remain hopeful that there are enough grown-ups left in the US such that we'll eventually come to a good compromise, provided people like you don't fuck it up for us. You know, there aren't many places in this world where it's possible to actually talk to someone, and hubski has generally been such a place. But with the blind hostility I've gotten on this issue, combined with someone editing tags into stories I've posted, I'm beginning to question that. At the least, I'd considered you among those that make this place a good one to be. It makes me genuinely sad to see how wrong I was.