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comment by rezzeJ

The Hot Zone - A gripping dive into the world of dealing with deadly viruses. I felt like like the book peaked a bit too early and lost some steam as the events unraveled at the end, but that's nitpicking. The chapter in which Dr. Nancy Jaax gets contaminated in the level 4 zone is probably the fastest I've read a chapter in quite a while.


The Checklist Manifesto - A quick, worthwhile read. The primary interest lays in the various case studies it presents in which checklists have been used to great effect. Despite it already being short, I felt it should've been 50 pages shorter still.


Brave New World - One I've been meaning to read for a while. I enjoyed it but wasn't left a raving fan. I felt the characters were a bit one-dimensional and felt nothing for them. The most interesting bit of interaction was right near the end between 'The Savage' and 'The World Controller'. I also admired the consideration that went into all the technology and conditioning that the citizens go for. I guess the book should be lauded for that considering when it was written.

I read We by Yevgeny Zamyatin last a year, a book similar in its 'happy' dystopian setting, and I personally found the writing to be superior. Though the world/setting is perhaps less believable as an actual potential future when compared to BNW, it is all the more interesting. The characters were better developed and you could more keenly feel the inner conflict the protagonist was struggling with. It was also written 10 years before Huxley's work.


The Pale King - David Foster Wallace's unfinished, posthumously published novel. I'm 35% of the way through it and it certainly has all the personality you'd expect from DFW's writing. It's impressive how he makes what should be quite a boring idea for a book so intriguing to read. My opinion is still mostly unformed on it though. I will say that I wasn't exactly thrilled to come across a 100 page long chapter.

kleinbl00  ·  2555 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Brave New World is best regarded as an allegory rather than a novel because it's pretty much preaching in the form of narrative.

rezzeJ  ·  2552 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's a good evaluation of it. My opinion of the book has become more favourable with that added perspective, so thanks.

kleinbl00  ·  2552 days ago  ·  link  ·