Wtf? Or Jesus christ seriously? I can't decide
LOL I know one of those cars. Wife's friend owned one. Battery went dead. So I helped her out by taking the dead battery to Schuck's, getting a new one and putting it back in. And blowing up the fuse box. Couple things about VW: (1) their negative cable? The black one? It's brown. And their positive cable? The red one? It's black. (2) They don't have a fuse legend in their manuals. You can't look up which fuse does what. Because, you see, if you blew a fuse that means you need to go to the dealer. So fuck VW in general, by the way. But also fuck VW in particular because the way their diesel emissions "system" worked is by injecting dilute pee into the exhaust. And it can be made to work, but the way VW did it, it can never be made to work without replacing the entire exhaust and emissions system. And nobody wants to buy a reworked diesel car from a company legendary for faking their diesels so hard that they've announced they're no longer making diesels. This shit is all blistering in the sun because VW wants to wait and distribute the losses. They're all going to be auctioned off to recyclers as non-running vehicles. And fuck VW.
The story you told me about the Beetle design flaw that led to fires went a long way to explaining a story from high school. Volkswagen! Is there anything they can do right? Umm... Maybe making Hitler seem not so bad? Because the Beetle is cute? Or something?
They can do stuff right, they just often do stuff wrong. They don't have to label their battery cables wrong, they just do. They don't have to run enzymatic coolant that turns to jello when you mix it with Dextron, they just do. They don't have to lie about their bullshit Bluetech technology and as a result cause Mitsubishi and Nissan to expend hundreds of millions of dollars attempting to catch up with a lie, they just do.