Turkey has dibs on the finished product. As in Erdogan Turkey. So just make it impossible to reverse engineer..? Huh, I just googled it and there has indeed been an effort to prevent them from getting any. Cool
Ah yes, our good friend and ally Turkey. Sometimes I wonder if they really should be our ally. As far as I know there is no mechanism in place to remove a member of NATO. Even if there was, I'm not sure it would be a good idea to boot Turkey from the alliance. I bet Russia and Saudi Arabia would be eager to cosy up with them, not to mention how valuable a member they would be if NATO ever happens to be attacked by a major power. I think the biggest advantage of kicking them out would be as a warning to other member nations. "Here is what happens if you turn autocratic." Looking at you Hungary and Poland. Are you worried about them selling the designs to non-allies?So just make it impossible to reverse engineer..?
Yes. Although, considering how long it's taken the U.S. to produce them, even the reverse engineering process will take a decade. Still not very comforting.Are you worried about them selling the designs to non-allies?