Oatmeal for breakfast, three pieces of lunchmeat and a celery stalk in a low-carb wrap for lunch, and a Blue Apron at around 500 calories for dinner. Last quarter sucked because I didn't have time to exercise. This quarter will be better because I'll have three afternoons off a week. I run basically so that I can have seconds. Or a snack. It basically takes me about two miles of running a day to fit in 2000 calories.
That's impressive - I reckon if I ate that I'd cease to exist. Or at the very least be extremely unpleasant to be around. Free-time rears it's head as a differing factor, I manage 6 evenings in the gym in sport off-season. If I get round to building a house/having a family I wonder how badly my body would cope with simply not having the time to get training done. Priorities shift and belly expands. Well that's a depressing link - although I'll take some hope from my low resting heart rate and try and tell myself it's working in my favour!