Last Jedi was a $300m movie, so probably $500m. P&L is bandied about at like $250m. So that's three quarters of a billion dollars spent to make world culture give a fuck about what a "kylo ren" is or some shit. 'member back when everyone lost their shit over how expensive an embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone was gonna be? Yeah, three quarters of a billion dollars. So you gotta ask yourself - if Disney is spending a quarter billion dollars to get you to give a shit about a kylo ren, are you a nerd if you do? Or are you a victim? And as a victim, is your co-option by hostile powers really that surprising? 'member when the brands and logos you drew on your Trapper Keeper looked like this? And now it's shit like this? That first one was marketing by a skateboard company. The last one is viral masturbation by someone so given over to slavish adulation of six.billion.dollars worth of marketing ploys that he's willing to sublimate his own creativity to the propaganda machine. Fake nerdlove has been a thing for 30 years. Fake nerdrage is probably just as old. Especially at these prices.
I mean, it already is at least in at least one other case: James Gunn.