Everyone sethig like this happens I realize we are all slaves to the companies That create the shit we use. There is a team of people that isn't unsimilar to the people you and I go to work for every day. They may have smarter people or better management or an awesome CEO with an awesome plan. And sometimes they might think a bad idea is a really god idea just like bosses do.
Some favorites:
- The Colorado River Bridge at Hoover Dam takes a terrifying 900 foot drop into Black Canyon.
- a two for one! 1) that empty block behind Union Theological Seminary should be Riverside Church — the tallest church in the United States & one of NYC’s most visited landmarks. also where it says the Juilliard School (which also spelled incorrectly) is actually the Manhattan School of Music. Juilliard used to be there…in 1968.
When I let go of my iPhone it was because I moved somewhere that AT&T (the only game in town with iPhones at the time) didn't cover; the rural coastline near Native Americans reservations. So I had to switch to another provider, and let me tell you going from an iPhone to an Android is palatably painful and uncomfortable. But three years later I still have an cheap Android smartphone. And it still sucks. But I don't carry my phone everywhere anymore. I don't worry about my email anymore. I just take my phone if I need to maps/navigation. By using a phone I don't like it makes it no problem to leave it behind except when I need it. I have been following this story, though. My dad taught me a German word: verschlimmbessern. It describes this situation pretty well.