It is a testament to the pull of "flying" anything that a $150k hovercraft incapable of breaking ground effect for a single minute of its ten-minute flight time is not only on CNN, it's on CNN for conning a sovereign government into paying for it.
Do you think if they need to detain someone, they just string him up by the ankles and drag him behind the thing?
Or it has a whip attached to it that will detain someone until the backup arrives. But stringing them up in the air by the ankles is fun, too. Now that would be a sight to see, especially if the hands are tied, too. Hopefully, the criminal doesn't have a fear of heights or he'd be soaked in vomit when they arrived at the police station.
These things aren't powerful enough to get more than a few feet off the ground, so the perp is gonna be one giant, banged up scab.
Can't say I feel sorry for the guy. If s/he commits a crime, s/he should be punished. Whether it's being hoisted up in the air face down using a flying motorbike as they fly to the station, or just being dragged a few feet up, just should be served. I hope they make it ugly and hard for those criminals.
Sadly I doubt it has enough lift to be able to do that. Maybe future models. I do see some advantages of such vehicles, like being able to pass traffic jams or land on top of buildings, with a vehicle small enough to transport in the back of a pickup truck. Like with all new technology, the first production model is going to be overpriced and underwhelming, but I wouldn't be surprised to see vehicles like this one in use by police departments in major cities around the world in a few decades.