I don't think it is, but f it is first contact. we're just sitting here watching and pointing at it as it's flying past pointing and going "ooooooh".... Here's hoping we're better prepared for second contact. We're constantly discovering new things we can't explain or understand about space, the universe in general, even our own solar system. To me it feels like true hubris to assume it's evidence of anything other than our lack of knowledge about the universe and how it works. We've just discovered something else we can't explain. WHoop de doo - add it to the list. We didn't find it until 40 days after perihelion? It had already passed Earth's orbit and was quite a bit of the way out to Mars's orbital. Ugh. Can we never let this happen again?
It's maddening that no one in the space exploration community is openly talking about this. Here, I can do it pseudonymously :D. Edit: of course, the majority skeptic of me doubts that it's ET tech, but how much of a disappointment would it really be to send something after it that only did science on a piece of rock from another solar system. Major achievement unlocked.