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comment by Merlin
Merlin  ·  2054 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 1000 days, 13 miles, stuff, spam, and life

Happy Hub-day! I've been enjoying our games of Go! Would love to see a more detailed post on your cider. I've been gathering the equipment for a go at mead but love a good homemade cider.

ThurberMingus  ·  2051 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Go had been fun, thanks for introducing me.

I haven't been making cider the "right" way by pressing bitter and sharp apples. Just seeing if I can make anything good from grocery store fruit and juice. I'll probably make a post at some point. I tried making mead once and it didn't go too well, but I had no idea what I was doing.

If you haven't fermented stuff before this book is a good intro. I have brewed cider and fruit wines out of it, and my dad has probably done all the beers, wines, and meads out of it.

Merlin  ·  2049 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Always on the lookout for good books like this so thanks for the link! I haven't fermented any beverages before yet but I am familiar with fermented foods. Look forward to hearing the results of your cider experiment!