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comment by KapteinB
KapteinB  ·  2050 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 321st Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

All 41 songs for Eurovision 2019 have now been revealed! I'm not going to post all 41. I'm not even going to post all that were revealed last week, because even that feels like too many for this thread. Instead I'll post the current top 6 bookmaker favourites to win.

Netherlands is the current favourite, with an estimated 20% chance of winning. Is arcade gaming a good metaphor for love? Do Europe even care about lyrics at all? I quite like the song though.

Russia was the odds favourite since they revealed their song would be performed by Sergey Lazarev (whom you'll probably remember from 2016's dramatic Russia/Ukraine showdown). They got swiftly bumped down to 2nd place after the song was revealed.

Sweden is currently in 3rd. Anyone else feel like Sweden has played it too safe since 2015?

Switzerland is 4th. I dunno, I'm not feeling it.

Italy is apparently the favourite over at /r/Eurovision. For some reason. I don't like it.

Cyprus has the 6th best odds, with their catchy pop tune. It's been pointed out that Replay is an especially fitting title for the song, given its similarity to their own 2018 song; Fuego. There are several mash-ups of the two floating around, which I find amusing.