Just commenting on mk's post about the painting he's making for me and this walks by the window: Seen deer, mice and weasels walk by, but never a fox and never one this big. Guess I should share this, too. This is from Friday, three Orca whales swimming by the window: We get harbor porpoises fairly often, but Orcas only a few times every summer. Usually it's these three. Seems like a strange number to always be seen together. Very small pod, I guess. UPDATE: my fiancé just told me of this video from the same day, taken by a group of teenagers on a boat that followed the orcas for two hours. Turns out there's four of them, probably a mom and dad and two kids. Check out the footage here
I'll henceforth (try to remember to) call weasels cairn cats.
Love the wildlife shots. Dala and I are similarly blessed with various interesting neighbors where we live. On the more mundane end, I tend to arrive to work a little early as I find it's less stressful to get to work before rush hour and relax in the parking lot listening to the news than trying to deal with a million crazy drivers out there. Right now there's a baby rabbit that lives in some brush near the parking lot and I'm lucky to see him for a moment or two almost every morning as he wanders around looking for food. He's my favorite, but I also enjoy watching the song birds in the early morning swooping down to catch insects too.