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comment by birchbarkcanoe
birchbarkcanoe  ·  1967 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: May 29, 2019

I have a little over a week left in France, where I've been studying (and more recently research-interning) since January. I've got a big research report due the day I fly home that has been preventing sentimental reflection time, but I have noticed one thing: I don't have very many photos of the city I've been living in! My camera roll has oodles of photos from spring break, but what about the big plaza here in town, the pretty timbered houses on the way to the bus stop, or the giant-ass medieval cathedral literally 150m from my door? I don't have pictures of them! This is a problem that I am working on resolving before I leave because I want to make a tacky sentimental photo album with my mum when I get home.

So my question: how often do you guys photograph your own neighborhood? Could you show someone your daily life through photos? When I got here, I had similar struggles in the opposite direction, trying to find pictures of my everyday life in the US to show my new friends. I'm sure your every day surroundings are beautiful in some way, but do you have a record of that? Do you want a record of that?