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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 17, 2019

Modern American culture arranges our childhood, our adolescence and our early adulthood around the idea of the Great Brass Ring. Around and around you go, bobbing meaninglessly up and down for year after year after year, until finally you notify all your family and they come up and celebrate you and you have that amazing brunch at Tony Roma's and there it is! Shiny! Round! Shiny and Round!


It's entirely normal to look around and go is this all there is? as soon as you discover that yeah - you beat the boss in the final battle but you basically leveled up to Hard Mode in the exact same fucking game and that your chakras are still misaligned, your sense of purpose is still listless and the future you were led to expect is not the future you inhabit.

It sounds like you're ahead of schedule. Congratulations. That's called a "head start." What you will discover is that the world is full of people who have decided that the carousel is not the only carnival ride. Look around. See what you see. Because while you can still disappoint your parents, the disappointment they can feel is a tiny fraction of the fulfillment you can earn by doing what you actually want to do.

- some guy who works 4 months a year, drives a Porsche and has a wife that looks bangin' in yoga pants at 44