You picked a good time to take a break. The Calamity of 2016 has been the focus of attention since then, and Hubski is subject to the same issues that affect other places of online public conversations. I made a suggestion, but I don't think there's any good fix. The strength of a public site comes from attracting new perspectives, but an open door also attracts spammers and show-offs. I don't know how any kind of user-based moderation can be structured without it becoming a scoreboard. Quarrels are always crowd-pleasers, so I figure people are getting what they come for, and I accept that Hubski is as good as it gets.
I refer, of course, to the disastrous late-night liquidation of my 209 shares of D, acquired with little apparent risk at prices ranging from 69-91ยข, decimating the balance I built up with months of careful trading. Recovery has been slow. I am now up $2.20 on a $6.30 bet against impeachment, up $0.80 from $1.52 on Biden and down almost 50% on a hopeful $1.08 long shot position against Maduro.