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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2034 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Religion in the Classroom Makes Colleges Feel Uneasy - The Atlantic

I love how the president of Wesleyan starts an article about not discussing religion with a religious student pillorying him for discussing Thomas Aquinas the wrong way.

    But if I go on to ask students how one knows in one’s heart that one is saved, they turn back to their laptops.

Fuckin'A. If you're discussing morality, or psychology, or economics, or reason, or anything other than faith, you can appeal to logic. You can present evidence. The minute you start talking about faith, you're at "I believe Jesus wants me to protest the LGBTQ march and there's fuckall you can do about it, heathen." In an environment where you can get in trouble for saying "Navajo" instead of "dine" there is zero upside in a discussion of faith. NONE.

And look. I grew up surrounded by kids who weren't allowed to play with me because I was "going to hell." I was persecuted by the police because the chief got a lesbian wedding invitation that was intended for my mom. It's fucking HILARIOUS that the religious are all up in arms about their freedoms when every third poster continues to be about Campus Crusade for Christ and where we all sat helpless while an out-of-towner stood in the middle of the campus square with a megaphone shouting fire and brimstone and eternal condemnation at the muslims because they worshipped a "child rapist."

Religion is doing just fine ON campus, thanksverymuch. IN class? Fuck off with that shit. My daughter came home with crucifix cupcakes from a camp that swore up down left and right that while it was religious in nature, it had "secular" programs. I give no fucks how "absorbed" you are in your "robust traditions" - your REQUIREMENT, in this here First Amendment United States, is to accept that not everyone is absorbed in the same traditions as you and the minute you insist that my faith (or lack thereof) takes a back seat to your "absorbence" we're going to have a constitutional challenge.