"There's no need to discourage people..." Interesting you read that meaning into my question. I was always trained (Boy Scouts, etc.) that you just don't go into the wilderness alone. Bring a buddy. I know there is a whole culture of solo hiking. Sure. But every one of these people is making some value judgments about their safety before they step out of their vehicle. I asked an honest question of how he'd done the personal math. I didn't discourage anybody from anything.
An honest question wouldn't have been prefaced with statements such as This is, like, the first rule of stepping outside of civilization: Don't go alone.
or Is it just young white dude hubris? Or were you trying to prove something?
An honest question wouldn't include against all the advice of people who do this a lot, and common sense
in the very question. You're leading someone to answer the question with guilt. I would absolutely consider this to be discouraging wording. I'd guess that this is why ButterflyEffect called your response "preaching and antagonizing". I personally agree with him.