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comment by kleinbl00

Previously, on Hubski:

This essay would have a lot less to say if it weren't for the two part series from Frontline/ProPublica. They went and dug up James Mason and interviewed the asshole. They also didn't dig into the chin-stroking posturing of it all - F/PP's take on it all was that skullcrackers are as skullcrackers do and really, "let's fuck shit up and build utopia from the pieces" as an American radical philosophy goes back to the Weather Underground or before. It's basic-bitch escapism: there's no point in trying to make this world work but under a New World Order even Tina Turner can be the queen of Bartertown.

It is worth noting that a bunch of Keyboard Kommandoes need more chin-stroking in order to properly engorge their e-peens than petty thugs like Robert Mathews which certainly causes buzzwords like "accelerationism" to fly around. But it's also worth noting that the chin-strokers are so far responsible for (entirely avoidable, entirely regrettable) one-off shooting sprees while the previous no-ubiquitous-internet "accelerationists" brought us Tim McVeigh.

So is it that the nutballs are turning into killers? Or is it that killers like the veneer of the nutballs?