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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 18, 2019

I live within 10 minutes of SeaTac Airport. So I often have other peoples' cars parked in my yard, while they are on vacation.

Such was the case with my parents' Prius, for the last week.

Last night, they arrived at the airport at 7:30, and I picked them up.


When I left work around 3:00, I noticed that traffic into the airport had already backed up onto the freeway and was stopped dead.

So at 6:15 I packed up my iPad and got into Mom's Prius to go find a place in the cell-phone-waiting lot, and do a little video editing and some voiceover work while I waited. (Voiceover pro tip: If you need a 'dead' room to record in, sit in your car. For most modern vehicles, it's a surprisingly good space to record sound.)


There wasn't any traffic. I drove the 7 minutes to the airport, parked in the first space in the lot, and did some recording and editing on the iPad.

BING! Text from Mom. They got their bags and are heading to the gate. So I start the car to go get them.


The car wouldn't start. But it's hard to tell on a Prius... they have the most awkward user interface of any car I have ever driven. It had previously complained to me with a caution arrow and alert chime - at 70 MPH on the freeway - that the "Key was located in the car."

Duh. No shit, car. I'm DRIVING THE CAR.

Anyway, car won't start. No power at all, in fact. Interior lights out. Check engine light and caution triangle (with no other information) on the dash. Power button changes from green to yellow to red.

So I call my wife to come get all three of us!


She has just gotten home from a massive day of work, and her car is FULL of a clients' junk she is getting rid of. So - exhausted from a long day at work - she has to dump everything in the driveway, and race to the airport to pick us up.


The airport is now as busy as it was at 3:PM, and it takes her more than 40 minutes to get to me and pick me up, and another 15 to drive the quarter mile into the airport where my parents (73 and 83 years old) are waiting in the cold.


The car has not been reconfigured to seat 4 people, so we have to quickly open all the doors, rearrange the whole interior (which is not completely empty, because she forgot about all the stuff in the footwells behind her seats, where my parents feet need to go), and it takes us long enough to get my parents and their bags all in the car that the Airport Cops are on our case about being in the way. But we do it, and head out to get them home.


My wife hasn't eaten all day, and needs to go home and rest, so we go home and switch all my parents stuff into my car, and I drive them home 40 minutes north of me.

And then drive back to the airport, where I am meeting a tow truck, because - guess what? - if your Prius 12v battery is dead (my diagnosis of the problem), you can't lock the doors, and I'm not leaving my Mom's car unlocked in the airport parking lot overnight.

Then the BEST TOW TRUCK DRIVER EVER shows up, and we have a great conversation, and he's able to jump-start the Prius with a special thingie on his truck that attaches to a special thingie in the fuse box of the Prius, and IT'S RUNNING! WOO!

But I need to make sure it charges, so I drive around for 40 minutes before parking the car back at my house (where it left four hours previously), and taking a Lyft back to the airport, where I pick up my car and drive it home, and fall into bed about 2 hours after my normal bed time of 10:30.

And then I wake up this morning at 5:AM like someone switched on a light in my brain. BAM. AWAKE.

It's 8:42 AM and I feel like it should be 1:00 or 2:00 PM... this does not bode well for the rest of today!


But tomorrow I am going to see Deadmau5 and Friday is my last day of work for the year (and my whole team has decided to "work from home") and then on Saturday I'm going to see Rezz and I don't have to be back at work again until Jan 2.

kleinbl00  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    (Voiceover pro tip: If you need a 'dead' room to record in, sit in your car. For most modern vehicles, it's a surprisingly good space to record sound.)

I've done work for Gatorade, the NFL and Bravo that was all recorded in the back seat of an Escalade.

I've also done work for Youtube bullshit where I tell them "go record the voiceover in your car" and then I get the work and I have to tell them "go record the voiceover in your car with the radio off" because god is dead and this is the worst timeline.

user-inactivated  ·  1918 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    because - guess what? - if your Prius 12v battery is dead (my diagnosis of the problem), you can't lock the doors

there's just no way

user-inactivated  ·  1919 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oooo I'd love to see Rezz live. Can't recall how I came across their work, maybe you posted it in a Music thread here? Or I was stoned and going through Spotify. Either way, noice.

Gutted about your hideous day, but the end is near!!