I had to look this up, cause you had me in a bit of a panic in this one, because TMNT is split between quite a few companies right now (like Paramount and Hasbro), depending on the media, and I was worried that Disney went on a secret buying spree. Looks like the ownership rights are still all over the place. But man, I tell you, Disney is like The Blob at this point. Eating more things and getting bigger and bigger and I think we're at the point there's really no stopping them. I was actually pretty upset that they bought Fox because at this rate, they have way more corporate control over American Pop Culture than anyone should and they're not exactly graceful with their properties. So now I don't buy their products, which is fine with me, because I wanna focus more on street level art anyway. The only thing that frustrates me is that their acquisition of Fox put a real dent in my Blu-Ray Library building, because as you wonderfully pointed out, Fox has a pretty expansive back catalog. At this point in my life, the only way Disney is getting any of my money is through National Geographic, but seeing as there are many other wonderful organizations out there that fill similar niches, I can even cut that out without much loss. The only thing I can't avoid is that iNaturalist partners with National Geographic and that site is just too wonderful for me at the moment and I think they do genuine good.All TMNT products