When my wife taught a kindergarten class, she'd catch kids doing things like licking the bottoms of their shoes. LOL Anyway, someone told me like a week ago that covid19 kills mostly teenagers and old folks, and that was when I decided I'm totally on board. Just kidding, sorry guys. We're all gonna be fine, anyway. Reports are coming in that Mike Pence began furiously praying a couple of hours ago. Agree with elsewhere in this thread: It makes sense that relapse or reinfection is drastically raising the transmissibility. If that's actually true, and we've not yet heard it from China, they have some 'splainin' to do.
Well it hasn't killed anyone under 9 and seems to mostly fuck with people with pre-existing conditions (like being over 70). But yeah I can ask my daughter "why don't you like susie?" and she'll say "because she eats the play-dough". Honesty? My kid's school used to be expensive with lots of scholarships. We were one of them. All my kid's friends were. And we had two outbreaks of lice, three outbreaks of strep and my kid had a massive case of molluscum for eighteen fucking months. Now my kid's school is less expensive with almost no scholarships. All my kid's friends left. And we haven't so much as had a stomach flu. I mean, it sucks from a diversity standpoint - we only see the black kid who decided she was a girl at birthday parties now. But from an epidemiological standpoint, go rich white people.
Yeah, I never get the flu, but I never interact with kids, and I'm a shut in. That's grad school. But still, I go to the gym on the reg. That's probably my biggest susceptibility. Was planning to get a squat rack in a few months, might go for it sooner, now. If/when I get covid19, I will report back on how it responds to ethanol.