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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  1759 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The dam breaks: Twitter Will Allow Employees To Work At Home Forever

It's pretty nice, measured by 'can you make rent' standards. It's certainly not easy, let alone 'pretty nice,' from standards like visibility, rising in your career, and creating a strong team environment. I started my professional career working full time from home in my early twenties with an established team in an established environment and I never made a personal connection with any of them. I'm not saying that "feeling connected to your work" is something that is solely on the employer, but I do strongly feel that when you are hiring people to become part of your full time professional workplace who have never worked in that kind of environment before, not only is having them WFH full time a disservice to them, but it's also one that can't be rectified without a lively, interconnected working-at-the-office environment. AKA you can't solve the problem of new hires by simply having new hires work at work if no one else is doing it.

Beyond that, I agree with comments I've seen in other threads about the mass devaluation of human interaction. I believe sincerely that your decision to stay in a current job has at least 60% to do with who you work with as compared to max 40% what it is you actually do. It's very hard to build interpersonal connections when you're WFH and you certainly don't build any of those accidental connections that can be very helpful to your network in the long term. In other words: you might become close with immediate team members through repeated and long term effort when you are full time work from home, but you are never going to become friends with anyone you don't have to work with. At the office, you gain so much from accidental and unintended interactions which will never be replicated by Slack or Hangouts.

Beyond and on top of that, let's talk about what amazing inherent privilege it is, to even live in a place where you can afford to set aside some of your residential real estate to create a full, permanent office for yourself? I'll be completely transparent: yes, it's super great I have a job that lets me work from home full time, but I live in a two bedroom apartment and both bedrooms are occupied. My office, for the last two months and the next four months? It's a corner of our living room which has been rearranged three times to try to hit the optimum combination of "acceptable zoom background" and "not going to wake my roommate up or show her on video in her pjs/underwear/who cares, she didn't consent to be on video? when i have a zoom call at 9 am". Yeah, it's cool that when you don't have to drive to work you can work in your pajamas, but there is literally 0 work/home separation and that sucks from both sides: sometimes, you go to work to escape what's going on at home, and sometimes, you go home with a sigh of relief to escape what's going on at work, and when you're working at home full time you can't really effectively do either of that. You certainly can't manage it if you don't have a separate, distinct room set aside for worship at the capitalistic altar that is your job which has a nice solid door which you can close with a firm sound at the end of a day or especially, after 5 PM on friday.

WFH full time totally cuts costs for the employer. in the meantime, you as the employee suddenly has to take on all the costs like additional bandwidth, electricity, heat -- basically all your utilities -- that normally would've been lowered when you weren't at home during the day. and you lose all social interaction besides what is deliberate and/or manufactured. And btw, the tax code doesn't let you write those off as business expenses for the most part.

There's shit tons of reasons why I don't like WFH full time. It doesn't work for me. Work is not only my primary social outlet, but also my gym, my way to see friends, my way to sneak in a little extra daily exercise, a way to separate my work and my home and get away from either when I need to. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to VA on a business trip that was really an opportunity to get away from something I needed some space from in my real life.

Work is an entire social ecosystem just like a school is for a kid. Do you think kids should go to full time online schooling? If not, then think about those reasons. They probably apply to adult life too.

It's not healthy for us to be 100% virtual 100% of the time. it's simply not.