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comment by g5w
g5w  ·  1628 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 12, 2020


Well, the final bit is done (of the things we paid other people to do). The garage door was just installed (like, finished 15 minutes ago). It looks good; much better than the cheap second-hand door I half-installed ten years ago. It feels good to see so much progress on the house that didn't require me to do the work. Now it is my turn to get back to the grindstone and accomplish some projects.

Middle Child

Found out last week that middle-child's husband is being transferred to Chicago. They leave sometime next month. I am excited for her. She really needs to get out and see more of the world. Also it will give her more clearly defined separation from my wife and I. This is killing my wife, but I know it is what is best for our daughter. As a going away present, I build a bookshelf for my grandson. It was the first piece of furniture that I have built. I am not happy with the result, but it isn't terrible. Hopefully I can build something better during the fall and present it for Christmas.


Local High School has decided on a hybrid plan for classes for the Fall semester. Two days in school, two days home, rotating pattern. Looks like they will stay in same classroom all day and the teachers will move between classrooms. This at least minimizes the student interactions. We'll see how it goes.


Oldest child lost power at his apartment for five days because of Isaias. He and his girlfriend and her other boyfriend came and used the shower each day, but preferred to go home rather than stay with us. My wife was overjoyed by the chaos of having the three of them and their two dogs. She really does thrive on a full house, where I require copious amounts of solitude.


I am so blessed that my job has allowed me to work remote since end of March. Right now they are "allowing" people to voluntarily work from the office one day a week. There are a lot of staff that have been asking for that. I get it. They have spouses and kids and what not at home and don't feel they can focus on their work and be productive. If more than just the three of us lived here, I would certainly feel the same way. But, right now, I am enjoying the lack of commute and the ability to get laundry done during the day. We may be returning to the office full-time sometime in October, but the agency is still figuring things out. They won't reopen until they have a solid plan in place and staff have bought into it.

Overall, life is good. Sometimes I have to remind myself.