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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  1525 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 'bl00's Reviews: The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang

    It's a problem because gaming can be a very insular community and highly addictive.

I think my issue is your focus on gaming. The exact same thing can be said for Mormons, or bow hunters, or Japanese high performance auto tuners, or pinstripers, or knitters, or writers.

Your particular dislike for gaming (which you come by naturally due to your brother's experience), clouds what UBI would do for other people who laser focus on whatever their passion is.

UBI would allow each of them to pursue the thing that they are most passionate about. A dedicated writer, working on their book, might get a job for 10 hours a week to supplement their UBI, and then spend 20 hours a day, locked in their room typing up their magnum opus. They would be perfectly happy to send off their manuscript via email to their editor, do all the editing and rewriting virtually, and never have to do a book tour - or leave their house - again.

It's not about gaming/gamers. It's about where people WANT to spend their time and purse the thing they are passionate about.

Will some people become shut-ins? Yeah. Sure. Absolutely. They do that today... UBI wouldn't change their core tendencies.

And with a proper social/medical system in place to support people with clinical problems, UBI allows them to get the help they need, if the reason for their cloistered existence is a mental issue rather than a simple preference.