Jesusfuckingchristonagoddamstick, these old white men are dumb as shit. There are plenty of ways to call Google a monopoly in a dozen different ways. But search ain't it. Old dumb white grandpas simply cannot fathom how this technology works. They just don't have the mental capacity to grasp it in a meaningful way, and they demonstrate this every single time they address the tech industry. Fuck; Katie Porter or AOC could tear this lawsuit to shreds tomorrow, before they finished their morning chai. It ain't hard. And what practical remedy could the Justice Dept request? (Because they haven't suggested anything. They just pointed the finger and yelled BAD! at Google, but have NO PLAN OR SUGGESTION FOR WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.) "Stop making Google the default search engine on Android." That's it. That's the sum total of redress the Justice Dept can claim. What a buncha fucking clowns.
I almost bought a Juke. TTAC described their front ends as "Lovecraftian" and they aren't wrong. If they weren't so uselessly gutless I mighta done. I think Nissan really missed the ball by not building that thing on a chassis the battlewagons posse could love. mk once made a confession adout Neil Diamond and mead that he'll never live down either.