open floor plan is bad for women the article follow some logical steps we can argue on them: 1- in 2019 women are still the one in charge of cooking, (0.8h / day vs 0,4h/ day for men) 2- there is NO wall: the one who spend less time cooking (men & child) use the place for other activities 3- more mess to clean 4- there is NO wall 5- you're incentivized to clean since the "kitchen" is also in view of the entertainment/reception room 6- in 2019 women are still the one in charge of that cleanup (0.8h / day vs 0,4h/ day for men) 7- with a wall you eliminate 3 & 5 2 & 4 : 100% 3: 80% (more people access = more mess, seems a solid correlation observed in many situation ) 5: 50% (depend on the users taste for clean place, and submission to peer pressure /taste for representation , I evaluate it in the middle) 7: 80% (there is still a door, so 3 & 5 still happen but way less)Is it, though? What's the evidence?
Here are my percentage of trust in each step, I'm happy to hear yours to see if we are too far away to argue, or if we can find some common ground:
1 & 6 : 95% (those government stat might be biased, or I could misread them)