It was like 30 minutes in, and for my wife's turn, just before mine, she guessed (but not alleged) "I think it was Mr. Green in the kitchen with a lead pipe" and no one could dispute it, it went all the way around the circle, and an awkward silence began. And I was like "So, umm. I think... I think I'd like to allege that..." and everyone was like "no, you have to be in the kitchen!", and I'm pretty far away, down the hall. Of course, I rolled an 11, the exact number of tiles I needed. What a bullshit win. My little clue card I'm supposed to be writing my deductions on was a tangled mess of garbage, I didn't know what I was doing for the first 2/3 of the game. Hilarious. I haven't seen the movie! People last night were recommending it too, I'm looking forward to watching it. I have seen Knives Out, which was pretty excellent, kinda similar premise. Netflix is now apparently making a Knives Out series, I'm sure it'll be terrible. Cheers to snappin'!