Yeahhhh, I saw that. On the one hand, ha ha ha. On the other hand, we should avoid lending legitimacy to private-sector "audits" just because they confirm what we already knew. Dishonest "audit" reports in the future may be more widely accepted as a result, because after all, this isn't really about 2020, it's about '22, and especially '24. The weirdest thing is that Trumpies seem to have zero cognitive dissonance with Trump begging them to vote, but also telling them that the election was rigged, which implies that voting is at least somewhat futile. It's not like that's the only catch-22 in the Trumpist ideological handbook, but questions of voter turnout may be the most important for the future, definitely agreed. I'm not sure why we're still Electoral College'ing. Does whoever wins the office of POTUS disproportionately affect people in swing states? No? OK, then do away with it.