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am_Unition · 1173 days ago · link · · parent · post: Jeremy Levick, Rajat Suresh on Office Hours Live (Ep 184 11/25/2021)
Like my word salad in response to nil elsewhere in this comments section, The Joke is that Joe Rogan-types often say nothing of substance while also managing to contradict themselves. IMHO, good satirization of Rogan is long overdue. Joe will have e.g. Alex Jones on his podcast and then call himself a Bernie bro. His only ideological consistency is making entirely too much money for rambling on and on about nothing. My wife, who has never watched/listened to Joe (I think I've logged about an accumulated two hours over four years), found the satirization incredibly frustrating and hard to sit through. I told her "Yup, and that's why you wouldn't like Joe's actual content either". P.S. I love you too, budday :D!