You can't leave. America needs people like you now more than ever. America has some bad actors, but the thing that makes it great are the things that people like you do for a living. It would be all our loss if you weren't here.
Oh that's some bullshit. Don't get me wrong, people like rocketyak help push this country to be the best it can be, but please saying don't leave when there are very real threats to the safety and well-being of their family is horrible advice. America is a phenomenally diverse country which the current political climate is actively working to dismantle. Actions are being taken to strip away the rights of women and minorities. A lot of the actions being taken in the land of the free are similar to early steps in other oppressive regimes that haven taken over. There's an epic battle going on right now as to who will win, but the Republicans are setting themselves up for an overwhelming success, including allowing gerrymandered maps other federal courts have already found illegal. They're working to fire up their base, illegitimize elections not in their favor, and spread lies to further their power hungry agenda. For centuries, people have come to America to escape the exact thing that is starting up here. But at this point, myself and many others I know are looking to get the fuck out. My family came to America to escape WWI before that clusterfuck started because they could see it coming on the horizon. We've been here for about four or five generations. And for those four or five generations my family has done very well for ourselves and been fortunate to set ourselves up for success. But it is wise to use that success to escape the same shit my ancestors saw fit to leave as well. There's a storm of shit brewing on the horizon, and I for one don't want to be here for it. As a straight white male I'll probably be relatively safe if I'm unable to get out (of course that's only if there isn't purging of political enemies), but a lot of people I care deeply about will not so lucky. Maternal mortality is going to rise. Crimes against minorities are going to rise. Suicides are going to rise. And anyone who is a target of the upcoming shitstorm with the ability to get out should. Voting in elections and activism can take place outside of the country. But in 20 years they might not be able to in the borders. And it takes a long time and a lot of effort and resource to get out. The best time to begin planning an escape was 5 years ago. Now is the next best time.