On my mental bingo chart of things Trump would announce, "NF-fucking-T's" were not on it. Blindsided. Laughing. The actual fuckening.
I just had a staff meeting with one of my departments. Academic chat died down and the meeting chair asked, "Any other business?" Sensing my time had come, I said, "Donald Trump just announced his range of NFTs." All decorum went out the window. "What the fuck.." "He didn't?" "Put it on the monitor!" So I did. Loaded up the page and we spent the last ten minutes of the meeting just looking at those images.
My wife didn't fully believe me that it wasn't parody. Trust but verify, after all. So she did some quick digging and found the NYTimes writeup. And then she chortled (she's not a chortler) and read the following aloud: And really - I don't know that I can come up with a better phrase to encapsulate this era, from the moment David Bowie died to... whenever we make it back to the good timeline. The disbelief was palpable.For a day, Republicans and even some Democrats speculated about what Mr. Trump might have planned for his major announcement, assuming it related to his campaign or even the race for House speaker. The disbelief at the ultimate announcement was palpable.