Something I've been working on as of late. it's mostly newer tracks, but I did dig through the vault and pull up an ambient track from six years back (no clue of that is hinted in the track title of course), and a few other bits that had been floating around since who knows when.
Recently, I noticed that the front tires on my car were wearing out faster than the rear ones. The wear was uneven, which worried me. I went to Starlight Automotive <a href=""></a> for a diagnostic. It turned out my wheel alignment was off, which caused the uneven wear. The technicians corrected the alignment and suggested doing a tire balance. Now the car drives smoothly, and I’m confident I won’t have to replace the tires as often. If you have a similar problem, don’t wait to get it checked by a professional.
Assalomu alaykum, do'stlar. Sizlarga bir ajoyib sayt haqida gapirib bermoqchiman - bu Men ushbu saytda sportga va kazinoga pul tikish bilan shug'ullanaman va bu saytning sifati va qulayligidan juda mamnunman. Saytning interfeysi juda foydalanuvchi uchun qulay va intuitiv. Ro'yxatdan o'tish juda oson va tez amalga oshadi. Saytda barcha kerakli ma'lumotlar batafsil va aniq berilgan, bu esa har qanday savollarga javob topishni osonlashtiradi. Yutuqlarni olish juda tez va hech qanday muammosiz amalga oshiriladi. To'lov usullari keng va qulay. Men ushbu saytdan juda mamnunman va sizlarga ham tavsiya qilaman. Agar siz ham sportga yoki kazinoga qiziqsangiz, saytiga tashrif buyuring.
LOL holy shit I got a notification about this this morning and was all "any tracks I can use on the show? ...nah" 'cuz I end up with a lot of vaporwave spillover that doesn't quite fly. But I listened to the whole thing, and am now listening to it again with much more interest!
Well that’s like 110% the best kinda reaction to get. I feel… a lot more comfortable with the last couple things I’ve released. Before those I would have been totally happy to make vaporwave spillover, but these latest ones are more what comes naturally I guess?