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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  376 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: OpenAI's Sora

I promise you, I'm not one of the 'anti-CGI' types! They're wrong and silly and stupid and don't know anything about how movies are made.

Here's my personal experience with AI Art:

1. I've seen one or two ads that very clearly were AI generated. I think one of them was coca-cola.

2. Some local place's fliers now use AI Art. They used to be scrapbooky doodles and I liked that better.

3. A friend of a friend who I had a conversation with works in making corporate animations said that he's being given shorter timespans to make things, necessitating the backgrounds being done in AI which he's sad about because it's less fun and doesn't look as good.

I don't know much about the movie industry except for following the strikes in the news, and from trying to learn blender for VFX a few times. I think it is a beautiful art and very difficult and I gave up because I have a dayjob and I'd rather my hobbies be more immediately gratifying. I hope none of my comments came off as authoritative on that, but clearly they did and I'm sorry.

This isn't something I'm super mad or passionate about, I think that the movie industry will have the best time with AI out of anyone since they have huge budgets and tons of artists already and are aiming for high quality.

If I can be slightly charitable to the people railing against 'CG', it is tacky when there's something on the screen Obviously computer made. It feels like whoever made it doesnt respect us enough to know the difference, that they went the cheap way instead of the good way. It's not a loving, artisanal, small-batch effect, but some gross industrial thing.

Again! I know that the Vast majority of VFX is beautifully done and totally invisible. I expect AI will be the same way, especially in movies. But sometimes I have to see something that is Obviously AI and it's kinda saddening. I hope it doesn't happen more and that it gets integrated well.

And I'm sorry that this came off as shouting over your experience. This is something you obviously know way more about and are more personally invested in. I honestly thought I was just agreeing with you, given your comments earlier about the directors using AI audio plugins as an alternative to hiring someone who actually know what they're doing, and your comments about modern TV mixing.

kleinbl00  ·  376 days ago  ·  link  ·  


    1. I've seen one or two ads that very clearly were AI generated. I think one of them was coca-cola.

Are you seriously arguing that Coca Cola, with its phone number advertising budget, is putting people out of work by economizing on ChatGPT? Or are they maybe just riding the zeitgeist, not quite as stupidly as Pepsi? If I were Coca Cola I'd hire four extra interns just to look for inadvertent naziism or some shit.

    2. Some local place's fliers now use AI Art. They used to be scrapbooky doodles and I liked that better.

And I guarantee the scrapbooky doodles were pulled off of Canva or Shutterstock or Fiverr or whatever. 'member back when everything looked like an Instagram filter? that sucked too. Lo and behold people got sick of it as fast as they thought it was awesome. No jobs were destroyed.

    3. A friend of a friend who I had a conversation with works in making corporate animations said that he's being given shorter timespans to make things, necessitating the backgrounds being done in AI which he's sad about because it's less fun and doesn't look as good.

Mattes are fucking awesome! Some of the most talented artists in America made matte paintings. The ones for Blade Runner are legendary. I've got a framed one from Total Recall drawn by a buddy of mine - it was up six months before the movie came out and people would ask me what it was. They still do because nobody watched Total Recall. But we're talking corporate animations and that shit has never been about quality.

First movie I ever worked on? Our effects were either done by us or on stolen company shit in the middle of the night when the big houses looked the other way and let their dudes bring in a little side scratch. I've been doing this so long that the first special effects I ever shot

were chest-sized models

against a blue screen

on 35mm film

using tape-measure-and-stopwatch motion control

And it was a total fucking pain in the ass to get something of any quality. But we put in the effort. Because the coin of the realm is EFFORT. I've worked on movies where the effects are done by pixel-pushing college students an ocean away and the question is never "how much to do this" it's always "what can we get for $500." Throw an AI at it and if we don't get more bang for our buck, we don't use AI. It's that fucking simple.

If I were to do that first movie again I could generate fucktons of photorealistic shots. I could green screen the space station we built painstakingly out of vacuformed panels and plywood. We could shoot it in 8k all day rather than cooking off a dollar a second on ends. And the $40k we ended up spending would have gotten us halfway to Gravity instead of inspiring Gravity.

But the $40k would have been spent.

Your friend of a friend? Not getting less work. Not doing fewer hours. Not being paid less. Shifting from "ooh this is fun" to "ooh this is less fun" because yeah - AI is perfect for generating background mattes. If I were him I'd get good at talking the AI into coming up with the mattes he needs because if the difference between "shitty matte the boss is happy with" and "bitchin' matte everybody loves" is an hour? He'll get that hour without having to fight for it.

There's this real need to argue that AI is taking people's jobs when in fact all it's doing is making them harder or easier. There is NOTHING AI does well enough to do without supervision and let me say this with all my authority as a supervisor - if one of my employees is a pathological liar, they aren't allowed to answer the phone. If you have a pretty sound suspicion that Tesla will drive you into a wall when you least expect it, why would you let go of the wheel? And if you have a pretty sound suspicion that AI will Nazi up your brand, why let it speak for you?

user-inactivated  ·  376 days ago  ·  link  ·  

[edit: just realized this whole misunderstanding was because the tweet earlier was implying that it was going to hurt jobs. I didn't catch that when I posted it, I was mainly griping about AI Art being made without an artist in the middle and then shown to me to despair at]

I do not think AI is coming for VFX jobs, or will be a problem for the industry.

I once suggested earlier that maybe some jobs might shuffle around, in the way that there's not people drawing inbetweens now that everything is 3D animation. But I really don't know how much of the industry is that specialized, and its all stuff that's already offshored for maximum cheapness anyways I'm sure. And they'll likely be able to figure out something else to do.

Every so often I see something that's obviously AI generated in a way that's careless and loveless and would have otherwise been a stock photo and I would prefer that it would have been a stock photo, that's the extent of my complaints.

kleinbl00  ·  376 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My bad the stupid AI soda is coca cola because of course it is