Dude, come on. If you want to go VC, think about connecting it to your very own jailbroken AI with custom speech synthesis running on a VPS. Make it look like a starfleet badge rather than pizazz-less Tamagochi without display. Give it voice of the Enterprise AI or some character from the show responding in-character, and I can show you a much wider adopter base than "bitches who can't pull-off a dosimeter."
Sorry, that's not how I see things taking off. My vision is a smartnecklace that weighs 10 kilos for training your lower back and a little bit for the child-sized battery. It fetches bad news, exclusively, but pronounces headlines that it pulls at least a little bit wrong, which is totally on purpose, and helps to lighten the mood. It monitors the tightness of your asshole, and if you're not clinching hard enough the thing will squirt you in the eyes with some isopropyl and play either "Don't cry for me, Javier Milei" or this. Sharks, I am here today looking for 500 billion dollars. I believe in my spirit and entreperneutership.