Meh. The Nazis are a funhouse mirror through which every strident wannabe thought leader glances to confirm his historical accuracy. Very, very few actually bother to put the Nazis in the context of their time or their political history. WWI was launched in racism on a racist continent. The Zionists were looking for a homeland to avoid extermination since the Dreyfus Affair; the Balfour Declaration predates the Beer Hall Putsch by six years. From a humanitarian and totalitarian standpoint, the NSDAP and DNVP were equally nasty business; Russia went Communist because the Germans paid for Lenin to set up shop there to keep him out of Germany and even then, your political choices were basically "hard right fascists" "hard right fascists" "flailing centrists" "hard left communists" and "hard left communists." Throw that into an environment where the way out of reparations was ruinous inflation and you're gonna have a bad time. Worthy of note - "let's exterminate the jews" was a German secret hidden from the Germans much as "let's exterminate the Jews" was a Soviet secret hidden from the Soviets (and a non-secret before that). If it makes you feel better, Snyder's book is considered a landmark read too and even he can't avoid ski-jumping to "well since the Nazis exist, obviously they will exist in America." He also leans hard into the culpability of Poland in the extermination of Jews to avoid being exterminated themselves and skips right the fuck over The Western Betrayal. I haven't read Adam Tooze's book and I won't, but I've read maybe a dozen books on the economics of WWII? And none of them hypothesize that "The idea that Nazi Germany was an unstoppable juggernaut, backed by an efficient, highly industrialized economy" was central. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM puts forth the idea that WWII was a make-or-break ploy by Germany and Japan to renegotiate the punitive economic treaties under which they operated, which is why battles were launched in violation of the standards of war, which were carried out with utter disregard to treaties and practices, which is why both countries were required unconditional surrender. Unfortunately, we required a narrative of "nope only the Nazis were bad, and they were very bad, and otherwise Germany is great, yep, we should totally extend them the Marshall plan, now that Hitler's gone it's all sunshine and rainbows" without any deeper analysis of how WWII happened. And damn near every book written since 1960 accepts the "nope only the Nazis were bad" argument with varying degrees of "well ackshully Stalin was bad/kinda bad/very bad" depending on the era in which it was written. You wanna know why the only quote anyone uses of Arendt is that "banality of evil" quip that she regretted putting on Eichmann in Jerusalem for the rest of her life? Because the corpus of her work was that antisemitism was largely the work of the CheKa, NKVD and KGB that was then deployed by opportunists clear to Henry Ford. Can't simultaneously blame someone for the Holocaust while also using grain shipments to control their foreign policy!