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comment by NOTORIOUS
NOTORIOUS  ·  4315 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where are/did you going to college?

I feel it's necessary, but that doesn't mean it's unfortunate. I can see why we have these rules on us, our floor has thousands of dollars in floor damage despite these rules and false fire alarms have been a huge problem for our building. So having real good parties becomes near impossible.

I wouldn't mind, but due to the riot house parties also get shut down way to quickly. Even in all student neighborhoods where nobody complains they get busted up.

So it's necessary but I feel like (as it's my first year at the infamous residence in this uni) that I've been cheated out of the experience

But Queens has a little more going for it as Kingston is a bit more mature and it's right by the lake. If you're not partying in London there isn't a whole lot to do but hit the bars, and that's not really what the uni experience is supposed to be like, is it?

What are you studying?

fossil  ·  4315 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yep that sounds like the general opinion i've heard from most Frosh I talked to last year.

House parties don't get broken up here very often unless there are multiple noise complaints so it sucks that they are going after the off campus stuff too.

I know I felt the same way going into first year, that college was going to be full of all these american pie-esque parties and the whole thing would be a crazy free for all with no authority outside of class. While there have been a few of those they don't make of the majority of my nights out. Looking back those crazy house parties were fun but not very memorable (and not just because of the beer). The most memorable parties I've been too here are small house parties with just our close friend group. We all know each other and we just have a great time without dealing with all the drama of bars and huge frat parties. So I guess what I'm saying is that even though right now you may feel cheated out of the "university experience", give it a year or two and I bet you'll have a much different idea of what that means.

I'm studying Electrical Engineering, I'm taking a year off to do an internship at the moment but I'll be going back for my fourth year in September.