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comment by mk
mk  ·  4310 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Tags are dead. Long live tags.

That's basically it, kleinbl00.

In addition, ignoring a tag keeps it out of external posts that you let filter into your feed. It also removes them from Popular and Unshared posts.

If #mylittlepony takes off, I don't have to work to avoid it.

As for the user-specific part, I plan on implementing the ability search a tag and a user at the same time. I haven't given much thought to user-specific tag ignores, however. It could be a messy thing to implement.

syncretic  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·  

>It could be a messy thing to implement.

:( I hope not. I think that one of hubski's major strengths is the focus on tailoring your own experience yourself, letting it evolve naturally, instead of relying on moderators to curate a conveyor belt of content from a subreddit that inevitably devolves into groupthink and the lowest common denominator. You have control over your own feed, not some faceless moderator who's enforcing rules you may not understand or even care about.

I think hiding posts will be a major part of that. If you don't like something, it's a simple click to hide it and forget it exists. If you're hiding a ton of posts from a specific user, then it's probably a good idea to ignore that user. If you could fine tune it to the point of ignoring specific tags from specific users, well I think that would just be the cherry on top of the whole thing. Step back and watch the community weave itself together into thousands of little perfectly individualized hubs.

mk  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree that 'hiding' a post is a good first step in that direction. We'll see how things feel after that.

campbell  ·  4310 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This got me thinking, what about languages?

If I were to follow someone because they submit good music but they also shared content in French it would be kind of annoying, as I don't understand French at all. I guess it would be easy to ignore as long as the content is consistently tagged #france #french #fr #frenchpolitics, but if the content is about video games it's more likely to be tagged #videogames or #jeuvidéo.

Has any thought been put into this?

speeding_snail  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, you could add the possibility to say which language a post is and add a preferred language option under controls. Maybe use google to determine the language?

Anyway, I think that language problems are most likely a localization problem. The problem will not be gone until Hubski is no longer an exclusively english site. And it will most likely not be a focus point...