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comment by aeontech
aeontech  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I feel I can't share a post when it doesn't interest all my followers

Self-censorship basically leads to a situation where you only share links that appear to the broadest-possible audience. Your followers might as well read top-ranked posts on r/all if you are going that route. Stumbling on fascinating things that I had no idea I could ever be interested in is why I read hubski.

Besides, how can you know what I am or am not interested in? Your image of your followers is undoubtedly one-sided - I am certain that even people I know in real life have sides and interests I know nothing about, so how much more likely is it that you have no real idea what your followers truly like when we are talking about names behind a screen?

With that in mind, it is pointless trying to fit your interests to some imaginary "broad" standard.