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comment by Ragnar
Ragnar  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Burial - Loner

This song doesn't sound anything like the dubstep I know.

To be fair, though, all my knowledge of dubstep is comprised of 2 songs. Still, both of those songs have some sort of rhythm change and what is colloquially known as a "bass drop" at one point or another...

Still, cool song.

user-inactivated  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

All of Burial's work seems to be heavily influenced by the "original" definition of dubstep; the heavily garage-inspired genre originating in London, (have a look at Wikipedia's page on the genre for a fairly comprehensive history.

Most people today will only have heard modern "brostep" songs - usually music characterised by heavy drops and overpowering bass. I'm still a huge fan of these producers too, but some of the old stuff and post-dubstep (like Future Garage) is just magical.

Anyways, I don't claim to be anything like an expert in Dubstep, I just got quite heavily into it over the last couple of years. If you're interested in music more true to the original UK bass, have a listen to the huge "Night" and "Midnight Request Line" tracks that really popularised the genre 5 or so years ago.