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user-inactivated · 4397 days ago · link · · parent · post: Individual user pages don't contain styling information (when opened separately)
Sorry, I should clarify - I have javascript enabled too, I only experience this when I open a user's page in a new tab/window (as Fox says). So the reason for the lack of styling is completely understandable, but it would be nice if this was fixed because it's something I do alot. To kind-of fix (by forcefully including the dark CSS):
1. Open a user page in a new tab, for example, mk
2. Open your web inspector console (in Chrome Ctrl-Alt-I and then Esc)
3. Paste this: var link = document.createElement('link');link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');link.type = 'text/css';link.href = 'dark.css-1-10-13';document.head.appendChild(link);